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Eri (エリ Eri?) is the one hundred and twenty-ninth chapter of Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia.


Lemillion headshot


Before starting their patrol, Mirio and Izuku reveal to each other their Hero names. Izuku tells Mirio that his Hero name is Deku, much to Mirio's surprise. Mirio, on the other hand, tells Izuku that his Hero name is "Lemillion" inspired by wanting to save a million lives. Mirio tells Izuku that they are now Heroes and he mustn't let his guard down, to which Izuku affirms.

In the present, Izuku encountered the little girl Eri and Kai Chisaki, the Leader of the Shie Hassaikai, which shocks Izuku. Kai apologizes to Izuku for his daughter's behavior because she gets carried away with her fun and games. Mirio arrives and tells Izuku that he forgot to put his mask on, causing Izuku to put his mask on. As Mirio apologizes to Kai, Izuku is aggravated by his mistake of letting Kai know that he and Mirio know each other, which will make Sir Nighteye's job more difficult. Izuku acts innocuously to correct his mistake while Mirio identifies Kai as a member of the Shie Hassaikai due to his mask, to which Kai states not to pay heed to his mask as he simply dislikes dirt. Kai mentions that he has never seen the two of them before and wonders if they are rookies due to their youth. Mirio replies that they are indeed rookies. Kai asks Mirio the Hero office he is affiliated with and Mirio replies that they are still students participating in field training. Mirio and Izuku prepare to leave, but Eri tells Izuku not to leave as she starts shedding tears.

Deku worried about Eri (Manga)

Frightened, Eri clings to Deku.

Izuku tells Kai that his daughter is frightened by something, to which Kai replies that he scolded her. However, Izuku is not convinced since Eri is clutching onto him tightly and suspects that there is more than meets the eye. Izuku asks about the bandages, which Overhaul replies that Eri falls down a lot, but Izuku is still not convinced as she is completely frightened and finds the situation to be unnatural. Kai politely asks Izuku to not impose his idea of normal on other's families while Mirio tries convincing Izuku to leave since many people have different dispositions. However, Izuku finds the entire situation to be suspicious due to Eri's being absolutely frightened, and he cannot turn a blind eye to a frightened child. Izuku breaks the ice and asks Overhaul what he is doing to the girl.

Kai gives in and tells the Heroes to follow him as his situation with his daughter is an embarrassing topic. Kai, Mirio, and Izuku holding Eri follow Kai into the alley. Kai comments that his daughter defies him all the time and finds understanding children to be quite difficult especially when it comes to considering the kind of person they want to become. Izuku and Mirio see Kai removing his glove and has killer intent. Suddenly, Eri runs to her father, causing Kai to stop removing his glove. Kai apologizes to Izuku and Mirio for Eri's tantrum and thanks them for listening to his worries. Kai wishes the Heroes good luck as he leaves with Eri. Mirio stops Izuku from going after Eri while commenting that Kai used his killer intent to make Eri listen to him. Mirio asks Izuku to respect Sir Nighteye's orders because chasing Kai too far will make him harder to catch.

Kai meets Mirio and Izuku

Eri runs back to Overhaul.

At his hideout, Kai comments on Eri's sickly behavior and asks Chrono to prepare a bath as his subordinate apologizes for letting Eri out of his sight. However, Kai is not interested in the subordinate's excuse and kills the subordinate with his Quirk, telling Chrono to clean up as well. Chrono prepares to carry out his leader's orders while Kai comments that all people are sick with Hero Syndrome.

Kai wants Eri to stop being selfish as she is the key to his entire plan. Kai shows her an experimentation lab and asks her to no longer sully his hands. As one of Kai's subordinate removes Eri's bandages, another subordinate tells Overhaul that he has a phone call from Tomura Shigaraki of the League of Villains who wants Overhaul to listen to his response.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Izuku and Mirio tell each other their hero names, the latter revealing to be "Lemillion".
  • Izuku and Mirio try to deal with the awkwardness regarding Overhaul and his daughter Eri, who acts immensely terrified.
    • However, Eri suddenly returns back to her father, with Izuku reluctantly forced to let them go.
  • Overhaul returns to his hideout, where he hears Tomura ready with a response.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]


Appearances for Chapter 129
Battles and Events

Author's Comment[]

I'm sorry for the rough work two weeks ago and then the time off last week. I'll keep doing my best!

Kohei Horikoshi

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